Welcome to Impact Health

Improving saftey in high impact sports

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Concussions in Sports

Concussions are extremely common amongst athletes in high impact sports. Early detection and treatment is crucial for recovery. Many concussions go undiagnosed and players continue to play, placing them at a higher risk. Providing data to medical proffesionals to effectively track athletes over a game and over a season is important to monitor concussive and sub-concussive impacts.

Symptoms of Concussion

Symptoms may include headaches, confusion, dizziness, memory loss, personality changes, and even psychological and mental health issues.

Concussion Stats

According to a CDC estimate approximately 3.8 million sports-related concussions occur annually in the United States. Additionally, according to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine approximately 50% of concussions go undiagnosed.


Head Impacts

Concussive impacts have average linear accelerations of 98 ± 28 g and angular accelerations of 6432 ± 1813 rad/s^2. Sub-concussive impacts had average linear accelerations of 57 ± 22 g and angular accelerations of 4029 ± 1438 rad/s^2.

The goal of Impact Health is to proactively detect forces to the head that could potentially result in concussions in real time in athletes who participate in high impact sports.

Main objectives of project include:

  • Continuously detect head impacts in real time and store the data for quantitative analysis by medical professionals
  • Communicate with third party device about potentially dangerous instances
  • Comfortable for players to wear

Impact HealthSmart Headband

The Impact Health Smart Headband is flexible and adaptible as it can be used for different sport applications. When an athlete has experienced an impact above a predetermined threshold the device sends an alert to a third party. The headband comes with a detachable pocket sealed with velcro so that the user can wash the headband as normal. The features of the headband include:

  • One accelerometer
  • One gyroscope
  • One FSR
  • ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller
  • Rechargable batteries

Product Features



The design can easily be worn under different helmets.


Early Detection

Provides data to help medical staff detect concussions early in players.


Alert Feature

Ability to alert a third party when impact has exceeded a certain threshold that is indicative of a concussion.


Easy to Use

Impact Health platform focusses on improving user design.


Long Battery Life

Battery can last a minimum of 3 hours (Football and Hockey games average 90 minutes).


Withstand External Environment

Product can withstand an outdoor environment (Heat, precipitation, sweat etc.)



Headband comes with detachable pocket sealed with velcro so that user can wash the headband as normal


Cloud Storage

User data will be saved on the cloud.

Impact Health Web App


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Team Members

Software Lead
Hardware Support

Selina Hsu

Mechanical Lead
Hardware Support

Rachel Du

Hardware Lead
Software Support

Laila Hashi

Project Manager
Software Support

Hetal Dawda